Course Guide

What our Graduates say...

Colin Pritchard - Diploma of Professional Coaching

‘Throughout this bumpy journey of the past 2 years I have felt super supported by the whole AIPC Team and have learnt many new skills and greater self-understanding along the way.  Throughout I believe I have now found one my true professional callings which I hope will be both personally fulfilling and have positive support on other people’’. 

Brigid Leishman – Diploma of Professional Coaching

“Great online course and support from team was outstanding. Some brilliant tips and tactics. Great frameworks I am now applying in my business”.

Dr Cecily Brasch – Diploma of Leadership Coaching

“I found the practical utility of the Diploma of  Leadership Coaching coursework to be excellent. The structure of the course allowed me to work at my own pace whilst managing the other responsibilities, however the assessment, especially the audio recordings meant that I got to practice the skills. The support from my main contact and educator was outstanding. Her guidance and encouragement helped me to finish the Diploma after a challenging year”

Suzanne Briscoe – Diploma of Business Coaching

“Working with a coach alongside doing the course was very helpful for seeing how the process actually worked as well as motivating me to get it done. I highly recommend this course”

Justene Knight – Diploma of Professional Coaching

“The course content online was very clear to follow, and the templates and examples made it easy to learn and develop skills. My Educator, Rachel Hudson provided excellent support, useful feedback and enabled my development. I was impressed with how they managed the impact of covid and the support they provided to me when I had to deal with challenges in my personal life that delayed my study.”

Sarah Norman – Diploma of Leadership Coaching

“Support from the team was excellent, it has taken me far longer than I initially thought to complete, and I have had nothing but encouragement from Glenda, my educator. I really did enjoy the course content.”

Mark Conner – Diploma of Professional Coaching

“The 3 day in-person intensive I participated in 4-6th Mar 2020 was especially helpful and assisted me ahead of my online study. Having completed my course I have a far greater variety of coaching skills and I have greater confidence in what I deliver as a coach.”

Catherine Lee – Diploma of Professional Coaching 

“The course materials, assessment process, online portal, webinars and student support are exceptional. During the course I learned what I thought was "coaching" was actually advising which is not what coaching is at all. Aside from the learning and skills development, I love feeling that I am part of a global community of AIPC students and coaches.”

Dr Melanie Rule – Diploma of Executive Coaching

“The content was of a very high quality, relevant & well delivered by experienced facilitators. I particularly enjoyed the 3-day face to face workshop in Brisbane, as it was full of immersive experience into coaching. The education team were helpful and engaging. I liked that I was able to complete the course at a pace that suited me around my other commitments but appreciated the check-ins from Glenda when I was absent for a time from the course. Thank you for a great experience.”

Bronwyn Stephens - Diploma of Executive Coaching

“I loved this course. I think the workbooks and assessments were extremely well structured for learning and embedding. Glenda's feedback was remarkable in its clarity and directness to enable growth from this. During the course I learned the power of summarising and reflection back to the person you're coaching, to open up insights, the need to make notes and review regularly from the course content and the joy and power of the AIPC C.O.A.C.H method.”

Peter Waldron – Diploma of Leadership Coaching

“The delivery of the course was excellent. I think the importance of attending the workshop cannot be highlighted enough. During the course I learned much about coaching but also about myself and what I want to achieve using my new qualification and skills.”

Samantha Clemente – Diploma of Life Coaching

“The delivery of this course was well structured and easy to follow. I learned how to best use my strengths along with proven strategies and practices to help impact the lives of others in a way only a coach can.”

Read our Success Stories e-book "Coaches Making a Difference in this World"