Course Guide

The 4 Ws in Coaching Preparation

Before entering the battlefield, soldiers must be prepared, trained and fully equipped for their particular battle. They cannot just engage themselves in a fight without knowing their arena and adjusting themselves to it. Most assuredly, a disaster awaits an ill-prepared soldier. So it is with coaching. You have to know what you’re getting yourself into. Preparations have to be made. Make extra effort to familiarise yourself with your client and the problems involved so you can choose the right approach. In short, know what you’re getting into before jumping in.

Here are the four essential Ws you need to remember in coaching preparation:

1. WHO

Who is my client?

Always know your client. Never go into your first coaching session without having established a good relationship with your client and having some idea od what their needs are. Having a base of information about the client in advance makes the first coaching session far more effective. You won’t be wasting time gathering information that’s just as easily obtained beforehand. The client is paying you not just for the hour you spend with them, but also for this essential preparation time beforehand.

Make sure that youestablish good rapport with your client before you commence coaching. Build connections and set rules for how the coaching will work. In this way you could expect their commitment and full participation in the coaching process.

Who do I need to be?

After getting to know your client and what their needs are, you must figure out the best way you can support them as a coach. Being flexible to your client’s needs can help in gaining their trust and respect, thus making your coaching sessions more effective and fruitful.


What are the goals of this coaching session?

Setting goals and determining what the goals are for your coaching session is one of the most important things you will do as a coach. Goal setting brings structure and order into coaching sessions. Instead of vague resolutions, goal setting creates verifiable routes towards a certain objective, with clear milestones and an estimation of the goal’s attainability.

Remember that the sole purpose of coaching is to achieve the shared goals of both parties. So, how do you do this?

First, know your goals. Knowing your goals will help you know and determine what you want to achieve in your coaching session and to where you want to bring your client after the session.
Second is to know the goals of your client. Your client’s goals are your top priority. Knowing their goals gives you an idea on how the coaching process will start and what problems you need to help your client with.
Once you’re able to determine what your goals are and what your client’s goals are, both of you can now share your common goals and, through them, create an action plan to execute and successfully achieve those goals.

What should you bring?

When coaching a client, being prepared also means having the necessary tools to execute meaningful coaching conversations. In short, make sure you have everything you need before the coaching session starts.

Here are some examples of the tools you need to prepare for your coaching session:

– Notes about your client (goals, client profile etc.)
– Handouts
– Forms
– Writing Materials
– Hard Copy Files e.g. of emails, resume


Where should the coaching take place?

Venue is important when conducting coaching sessions. In choosing the right venue, you need to make sure that the environment is conducive to learning and creative thinking. You also need to be thoughtful in choosing the right venue to suit your client’s needs and their learning style. 

For instance, if your clients are a top management executives, people in this position are usually very busy and work in an environment with many distractions. Conducting the coaching session in a private or secluded area with less people will help them focus and maintain their attention.


Time is an essential factor in your coaching session. Making a tentative plan of everything you do is important.
Set clear and realistic timelines together with your client. Doing this will help you and your client keep track of their progress and help them achieve their goals more quickly.

Coaching should not be taken for granted. It is a profession that should be taken seriously as you are dealing with people’s lives. Remember, behind every success of a coachee is a coach who is well prepared.

If you want to learn more about coaching and how to become a professional coach, visit our website and download our free Course Information Guide.