Course Guide

Professional and Ethical Coaching

Professional Coaches aspire to conduct themselves in a manner that reflects positively upon the coaching profession. Professional coaching practice recognises that there are a number of approaches to coaching practice, and is respectful of the different approaches. Regarding of the coaching approach, all coaches recognise the need to abide by the laws and regulations applicable in the country in which they practice, as well as by the Code of Conduct and Ethical Guidelines of the professional association of which they are a member, such as the International Coaching Federation (ICF).  

In general, all coaches are aware of and abide by ethical practices relating to privacy/confidentiality, conflict of interest, and business practices regarding accurate representation of their qualifications and the services they provide. In addition, professional coaches establish practices by which they receive feedback on the services they provide, as well policies relating to how to handle potential complaints or disputes. Professional coaches aim to display the highest levels of honesty and integrity in all dealings with clients and the community at large. 

Principles of professional coaching practice  

Professional Coaches abide by the following principles in every coaching relationship with clients: 

  • Competence:  Coaches should maintain high standards of competence in their work. 
  • Integrity:  Coaches should represent themselves in an honest and fair manner, being cognizant of their particular competencies and limitations. Coaches should strive to be aware of their own belief systems, values, needs and limitations, and the effect of these on their work. To the extent feasible, they should attempt to clarify for relevant parties the roles they are performing and to function appropriately in accordance with those roles. 
  • Professional Responsibility:  Coaches should uphold standards of ethical conduct that reflect well on the individual coach as well as on the profession at large. 
  • Respect for People's Rights and Dignity:  Coaches should treat clients with dignity and respect, being aware of cultural differences and the client's right to autonomy, privacy and confidentiality. Coaches should accord appropriate respect to the fundamental rights, dignity, and worth of all people. They should respect the rights of individuals to privacy, confidentiality, self-determination and autonomy, mindful that legal and other obligations may lead to inconsistency and conflict with the exercise of these rights. Coaches should be aware of cultural, individual and role differences, including those due to age, gender, race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, disability, language and socioeconomic status. Coaches should try to eliminate the effect of biases on their work based on those factors, and they should not knowingly participate in or condone unfair discriminatory practices.  

Ethical standards  

The ICF has established a statement of Ethical Principles and Code of Ethics that their member coaches must abide by. These statements can be found on their website www.coachfederation.orgThese statements provide the framework and values upon which professional coaches base their practice. The purpose of the Code of Ethics is threefold. First, it states the broad principles and values to which coaches should subscribe. These include confidentiality and the provision of the utmost care and concern for the welfare and success of the client. Second, it sets out the rules by which coaches should operate in many specific situations that a coach might find themselves in. Third, the Code serves as a building block for the ethical and moral standards of coaches. While each individual coach agrees to follow this Code, they are encouraged to supplement and add to it in order to build a lifelong commitment to conducting an ethical coaching practice. 

This modified excerpt is taken from the book “Positive Psychology Coaching” by Dr Susanne Knowles which is available from and 

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